Monday, 10 September 2012

Tres Riches Heures du Duc du Berry

Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry (The very rich hours of the Duc de Berry: The Calendar. August) - Limbourg brothers

This falconing set from the Middle Ages is based on a scene found in the Book of Hours. I actually own a very limited edition of this magnificent book and it contains many scenes suitable for flats representation.

So far, the painting is at this stage.

Emperor QianLong Hunting Set

The pieces here are quite robust and cast thicker than the Mohr figures. Details are crisp.
I use several Qing era paintings as reference to arrive at suitable colours for this set.

Painting some Mohr sets

The Gypsy and Harem sets are just great to look at. However, note that the metal used is a little soft and the figures are cast quite thin. As these are presumably made from quite well-worn moulds, many of the pieces required considerable cleaning up of the flash metal.

As usual, I spray with white undercoat and underlay with thin washes of acrylics and enamels to test the colour harmonisation.