Thursday, 24 April 2014

Puppeteer in 54mm

I had obtained this figure from Braune. A most unusual figure. As I thought that the original puppets were not accurate, I substituted my own brass-etched puppets. I covered the bottom halves with putty to simulate clothing. I started painting some typical batik patterns on his sarong and head cloth (iket).

The funny  irony here is that my 2-D wayang kulit puppets, which were meant for my own ronde-bosse 54mm puppet sets under Golden Chersonese Miniatures, is used here to represent 3-D wayang golek puppets, the whole thing being represented in flats!


I added some putty to cover up the blemishes on these figures.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Neckel Sets

I received some Neckel antiquity sets. It took me some time to clean and organise these recent purchases as I had to obtain and cut up suitable cardboard sheets to store these pieces. Neckel figures are beautifully proportioned and designed and are very compatible with many Hafer sets. I was too busy doodling on my Assyrians from Ochel and I just took some pics and scanned relevant pages from the Neckel catalog.

Tylinski and Schmalkalder

Some more obscure sets

Consolidating the Klio- Shogun figures

These show my present collection of some of the above. I want to use these in small dioramas.